This is the post in which I don’t welcome you to my new blog.
I don’t say “Welcome Friends!” (more like “Welcome Strangers”).
I don’t say “I’ll be blogging about my passions x, y, and z” because I don’t even know what true passions I have yet to discover, much less what I’ll have to say about them.
I don’t say “Leave a comment about what you want me to blog about” since either (1) nobody will comment, or (2) the comments will be about topics I don’t even want to write about.
I don’t say “Check back next week for another post!”, since for all I know, it will be a year before I post again.
(By the way, If I wanted to make a goal of blogging, stating that here would make it more difficult to accomplish.)
Nearly every website I’ve made (including mine and ones for others) has launched with a blog and a “welcome to the new site” post with the promise of great things to come. My off-hand estimate would be that at least 50% of these sites never had a post beyond the initial welcome.